Amber Kae's Vision

Amber Kae is motivated to run because of community concerns, including the housing crisis, environmental sustainability, diversity, and advocating for Small Business Owners.

Housing & Homelesness

Too many working O'Siders are one paycheck or rent increase away from homelessness. I was raised in Oceanside and experienced housing instability growing up. During college, low-income housing allowed me to remain in Oceanside. I support bridging the housing gap and building affordable housing for low to middle-income families looking to purchase.


Community is a top priority for Amber Kae! In 2021, I worked with my neighbors and successfully stopped an Amazon warehouse from being built near schools and neighborhoods. Now I am running for city council because the residents of District 4 asked me to be their representative.


The environment has always had a special place in my heart growing up in Oceanside. I advocate for diversity in our natural spaces through the non-profit Black People Who Hike. I am a member of the Sierra Club and promise to address climate change at the local level and protect our open spaces and beaches.

Small Business & Local Economy

I love and support small businesses in Oceanside, especially in District 4. I am a life-long entrepreneur and teach my students the importance of having multiple streams of income. On the council, I will give small business owners (from street vendors to brick-and-mortar) an advocate on the city council.