San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council- SDICLC fights for quality contracts, to elect pro-worker leaders and pass worker-friendly laws.
Sierra Club- an organization supporting climate and justice champions who will stop the destruction of our natural resources, and prioritize investments in the low-income and BIPOC communities who bear the unequal burdens of climate change.
RUN FOR SOMETHING- an organization supporting candidates who are pro-choice, pro-universal health care, pro-LGBTQ equality, pro-criminal justice reform; pro-working families and organized labor, pro-voting rights, pro-campaign finance reform, who focus on inequality, fair wages, and job creation; who acknowledge that climate change is real, man-made, and our responsibility to fight
Fund Her, an organization supporting women who will champion climate responsibility, social justice, and women’s equality in office.
Democratic Club of Carlsbad-Oceanside, a Democratic club based out of Oceanside & Carlsbad.
Democratic Women's Club San Diego- a San Diego County Democratic Club focused on women's rights and issues.
Oak Tree Democratic Club, Oceanside's senior Democratic Club.
Blue Dream Democrats of San Diego County, a Democratic club focused on safe, equitable cannabis access.